
Posts Tagged ‘Planning Commission’

Planning for Borough-owned lands along the Stampede Road has been a long and drawn-out process, with little motion forward.  After years of working to revise Borough code on classification (a planning tool for Borough-owned land), the Commission threw out years of work and decided to move forward with a different planning tool, management plans.  In a recent Denali Citizens Council newsletter, local resident Hannah Ragland explained the difference:

“Classification is analogous to naming different rooms in the house, whereas a Management Plan involves more specific planning for what type of furniture goes in each room, which of course would be determined by whether the room is a kitchen, bedroom, etc. In this analogy, classification would guide how Borough land is to be managed, or whether it is sold, leased, or left undeveloped, by identifying the overall vision for the area. This overall vision would then provide guidance for specific Management Plans and actions.” 

The Planning Commission held a work session and regular meeting in June to discuss planning for Borough-owned land. At the work session, Commissioners looked at a map of Panguingue B (land along the Stampede Road between the Parks Highway and subdivision) and mapped out where they would like to see different uses occur. Specifically, the Planning Commission is looking at new residential areas, and commercial area. The established grazing area and gravel pit are also part of the map.

Commissioner Steve Jones also worked on a Panguingue B Map, and what the Planning Commission is calling a “Panguingue B Management Plan.”  These are part of the public hearing agenda at a meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 15. This is not the first time the Planning Commission has attempted to delineate uses for Panguingue B throughout the last four years of work on Title 4, the portion of Borough code that relates to land use and planning.

What is confounding is that no changes to Borough code have been finalized, and what remains in code is the original Chapter 4.25 on classification. The newly proposed code for management plans (Chapter 4.25 Draft 17 Management Plan) would replace classification, but at this time the proposal includes none of the definitions for uses that were in the last draft of proposed changes to classification (Chapter 4.25 Draft 16 Classification).  Instead, the definitions are included only in the management plan specific to Panguingue B.  Without clear guidance from Borough Code as to to how each of these uses is defined, each parcel of Borough-owned land could include an entirely new list of terms or different definitions from previous plans.  Needless to say, this would be confusing for both the Planning Commission, and the public.


Two overriding concerns remain:

  1. Moving forward on a map and management plan for Panguingue B without finalizing code is putting the cart before the horse. After years of working on updating Borough Code, the Planning Commission needs to wrap this process up before asking the public to get involved with localized planning efforts for individual parcels.
  2. The Planning commission must include a list defined uses in code, whether they call planning “classification” or “management plan.” Without defined uses, there is no way to tell what would be allowed under “Commercial” or any other proposed uses without a definition.

Public involvement at this time is critical.  Email friendsofstampede@gmail.com with questions or if you’d like to get involved with planning efforts.

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